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ICC Iran announces New Acting Secretary General

  • چهارشنبه 25 فروردین 1395
ICC Iran announces New Acting Secretary General

ICC Iran is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Malek Reza Malekpour as Acting Secretary General of ICC-Iran.



M.R.Malekpour has joined ICC-Iran from end of Dec. 2015 to help in different projects underway at national and international level. Mr. Malekpour comes to ICC Iran with 44 years experience in commercial transportation fields, (14 years in governmental bodies and 30 years in private sector). His last position in Port and Maritime Organization was General Directorate of Bandar Abbas on 1986‌. He has represented Institute of Standard for 7 years in Geneva at ISO, and worked at chair/vice chair capacity in SGS‌, BV, ITS‌, Saybolt‌, Calebrett branches in Iran and Managing Director of Asia Classification Society for 3 years.   

He holds MBA from Iran Center for Management Studies (ICMS Affiliated to Harvard University), Post Graduate Diploma in ports and shipping administration from UWIST‌, U.K‌, and author /translator of 5 books in commercial transportation fields.   

Presently he is members of ICC-Paris Model of Carriage Contract Working Group, Cross Border Trade Facilitation System W.G., and Labeling & Packaging Task Force.