Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Behkish, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of ICC Iran and Mr. Seyed Hossein Salimi, ICC Iran Treasurer attended the 9th World Chambers Congress (WCF) on 10-12 June 2015 in Torino.
Global trade in the 21st century, Global mobility, Making a sustainable economy happen-joining forces for achieving the UN sustainable development goals and sustainable world were the main topics discussed at this sessions.
The other ICC meetings in Torino was the ICC Permanent Heads and ICC World Council which were held on 8-9 June with participation of Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Behkish, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of ICC Iran.
My ICC / ICC Membership pack, ICC and the United Nations, G20 / BASCAP / World SME Forum, Strategic International Engagement: global regulatory diplomacy and interface with IGOs and What do National Committees need were among the topics discussed at the PH session.
ICC World Council meeting was started by ICC chairman Terry McGraw and During the meeting John Danilovich, ICC Secretary General presented reports entitled COP 21 and India Economic Convention. The focus of this meeting was announced the following issues:
- Adoption of the Agenda and of the Executive Summaries of the 2014 and 2015 extraordinary meetings of the
- Elections and appointments
- Constitutional changes and procedures
- National Committee Quota Task Force
- Finances
- ICC International Court of Arbitration
- World SME Forum
- National committees and membership
- ICC and the UN, ICC and the G20, ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF)
- ICC Academy
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