With the purpose of submission, review and approval of the operation and financial report of year 1396 and also re-election of a third of Council and inspector, ICC Iran held the annual General Assembly meeting on Monday 04 February 2019. According to ICC Iran reporter, "Iran Chamber of Commerce Industries Mines and Agriculture", "Iran & Austria Chamber of Commerce" and "Iran & Russia Chamber of Commerce" from the organizational members and " Pasargad Bank" "Melli Bank" , "Toseh Saderat Bank", "Mellat Bank" and "Secco Iran" from the individual members were respectively selected to be one third of the ICC Iran Council members for the next three years.
Pursuant to the new constitution of ICC Iran on forensic inspector election, "Hossein Vakili" was reelected as the ICC Iran inspector by members of General Assembly.
More details information will follow shortly.
Further information visit here.